NextGen Climate, a lobbying organization selling the theory of global warming, recently sent an email out to the masses trumpeting how they had offered to meet with 2016 GOP Presidential Candidate and US Senator Marco Rubio. Though 501(c)4 organizations are supposed to be non-partisan, their email specifically attacked the Republican party, Senator Rubio and anyone who hasn’t bought into the “sky is falling” approach of global warming alarmists. Their communique begins by taking to task Republican politicians “and their favorite supporters, the Koch brothers” as though legally contributing time, money and effort to conservative political causes is the greatest sin imaginable. They neglect to mention that NextGen itself is the pet project of a liberal billionaire who spends and enormous amount of time and money on Democratic candidates and left wing causes. Apparently big money is okay for them, but not for the right. |
The NextGen email accuses Republicans of building “a fictitious universe”. It’s an interesting choice of words because the remainder of their email weaves a wicked web of deceit, fiction and fear. NextGen accusing the right of living in a fictional world is a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Take for example the paragraph that lauds the California as an example for all of the United States. NextGen Climate tells us 2006 legislation in California, a cap and trade bill designed to force businesses to use alternative energy sources, demonstrates the success of climate change legislation. Thanks to the state law we’re told, California has more people working in advanced energy than in the entertainment business. According to NextGen, California’s economy has witnessed growth and added an impressive number of new jobs. This intentionally misleading account ignores the fact that California’s economy is growing more slowly than the national economy and has a noticeably higher unemployment rate than the rest of the nation.
A case study of the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in California conducted by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance found the promise of alternative energy has indeed been fiction. Ivanpah is the largest solar power plant of its type in the world. It generated only about half of the electricity it was expecting to produce last year due to “fewer sunny days” than initially predicted. According to the report, despite reaping $1.6 billion in subsidies, Ivanpah produces electricity at a cost 3 times higher than traditional power and has requested $539 million in additional direct handouts from the federal government. How many of those jobs NextGen brags about will remain when the government subsidies stop?
For years America, and indeed the world, has been told the sky is falling. Hundreds of climate change models have predicted dramatic changes in earth’s temperatures. In 2008 a United Nations report warned us that without immediate action, the world’s temperature would increase 2 degrees celsius by 2015. None of the models have come true and ironically the winter of 2015 was one of record cold and snow. It seems the predictions were fictional fancy.
What about all those high profile speeches claiming 97% of scientists agree? Let’s do a roll call vote. No one can seem to determine where that statistic came from nor tell us who the scientists are. There are a number of high profile and respected scientists from places like Harvard, Princeton and NASA that don’t buy the theory. Are they on this imaginary list? Like much of NextGen’s claims, the 97% is also fiction.
What we can look at is facts. When we look at raw temperature data, the 1930s, not the present day, were by far the hottest years on record. Since the turn of the century bureaucrats at NOAA and NASA have been “correcting” the raw data. Over the years there have been multiple adjustments, repeatedly making the old historical data cooler and more recent temperatures adjusted warmer. Thus instead of raw temperature data demonstrating 80 years of cooling, the “adjusted” data shows a warming trend. Even their adjusted data hasn’t met any of the predicted models however. At least not yet. They are still adjusting past years’ data.
In another example of creating info rather than reporting it, human “estimates” are reported for remote parts of the globe rather than using satellite surface temperature readings. This is despite the fact the satellites have proven to be amazingly accurate. The human “estimates” provided by those promoting global warming, are virtually always higher than the scientifically measured satellite readings. The fiction continues.
NASA and the NOAA have both had embarrassing incidents where they were caught altering temperature data.
Perhaps most importantly, the United States has seen the largest carbon emission decrease of any country or region in the last 10 years - accomplished without cap and trade or other economy suffocating legislation. Regardless of whether you buy into the global warming hysteria or not, America is already leading the globe on lowering emissions. Even more government intrusion clearly isn’t necessary.
Forcing business to adopt more expensive, less effective power sources to solve a problem for which the actual factual data doesn’t match the dour predictions, and propping up the businesses to accomplish this via taxpayer dollars is just plain bad policy.
Please tell Henny Penny...and Tom Steyer’s NextGen Climate...the sky isn’t falling.
Take for example the paragraph that lauds the California as an example for all of the United States. NextGen Climate tells us 2006 legislation in California, a cap and trade bill designed to force businesses to use alternative energy sources, demonstrates the success of climate change legislation. Thanks to the state law we’re told, California has more people working in advanced energy than in the entertainment business. According to NextGen, California’s economy has witnessed growth and added an impressive number of new jobs. This intentionally misleading account ignores the fact that California’s economy is growing more slowly than the national economy and has a noticeably higher unemployment rate than the rest of the nation.
A case study of the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in California conducted by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance found the promise of alternative energy has indeed been fiction. Ivanpah is the largest solar power plant of its type in the world. It generated only about half of the electricity it was expecting to produce last year due to “fewer sunny days” than initially predicted. According to the report, despite reaping $1.6 billion in subsidies, Ivanpah produces electricity at a cost 3 times higher than traditional power and has requested $539 million in additional direct handouts from the federal government. How many of those jobs NextGen brags about will remain when the government subsidies stop?
For years America, and indeed the world, has been told the sky is falling. Hundreds of climate change models have predicted dramatic changes in earth’s temperatures. In 2008 a United Nations report warned us that without immediate action, the world’s temperature would increase 2 degrees celsius by 2015. None of the models have come true and ironically the winter of 2015 was one of record cold and snow. It seems the predictions were fictional fancy.
What about all those high profile speeches claiming 97% of scientists agree? Let’s do a roll call vote. No one can seem to determine where that statistic came from nor tell us who the scientists are. There are a number of high profile and respected scientists from places like Harvard, Princeton and NASA that don’t buy the theory. Are they on this imaginary list? Like much of NextGen’s claims, the 97% is also fiction.
What we can look at is facts. When we look at raw temperature data, the 1930s, not the present day, were by far the hottest years on record. Since the turn of the century bureaucrats at NOAA and NASA have been “correcting” the raw data. Over the years there have been multiple adjustments, repeatedly making the old historical data cooler and more recent temperatures adjusted warmer. Thus instead of raw temperature data demonstrating 80 years of cooling, the “adjusted” data shows a warming trend. Even their adjusted data hasn’t met any of the predicted models however. At least not yet. They are still adjusting past years’ data.
In another example of creating info rather than reporting it, human “estimates” are reported for remote parts of the globe rather than using satellite surface temperature readings. This is despite the fact the satellites have proven to be amazingly accurate. The human “estimates” provided by those promoting global warming, are virtually always higher than the scientifically measured satellite readings. The fiction continues.
NASA and the NOAA have both had embarrassing incidents where they were caught altering temperature data.
Perhaps most importantly, the United States has seen the largest carbon emission decrease of any country or region in the last 10 years - accomplished without cap and trade or other economy suffocating legislation. Regardless of whether you buy into the global warming hysteria or not, America is already leading the globe on lowering emissions. Even more government intrusion clearly isn’t necessary.
Forcing business to adopt more expensive, less effective power sources to solve a problem for which the actual factual data doesn’t match the dour predictions, and propping up the businesses to accomplish this via taxpayer dollars is just plain bad policy.
Please tell Henny Penny...and Tom Steyer’s NextGen Climate...the sky isn’t falling.